Your search returned 4 results. Subscribe to this search

1. Las grandes religiones de Oriente y Occidente : by Ling, Trevor Oswald Publication: Madrid : Istmo, 1972 . 384 p. ; 18 cm. Date: 1972 Availability: Items available: (1),

2. Historia de la filosofía / by Martínez Marzoa, Felipe Publication: Madrid : Istmo, 1973 . 2 v. ; 18 cm. Date: 1973 Availability: Items available: (1),

3. La América hispanohablante : by Malmberg, Bertil, 1913- Publication: Madrid : Itsmo, 1971 . 317 p. ; 18 cm. Date: 1971 Availability: Items available: (1),

4. Historia del desarrollo económico internacional : by Kenwood, A. G. Publication: Madrid : Istmo, 1972 , Traducción de: The growth of the international economy Date: 1972 Availability: Items available: (1),