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1. Rolheiser, R., En lucha con Dios. Encontrar esperanza y sentido en nuestras luchas diarias para ser humanos, Sal Terrae, Maliaño (Cantabria), 2019, 203 pp . / by Miguel Poyard, Ma. Dolores Publication: . 2 p. (751-752) , Recensión de libro. Availability: Items available: (1),

2. Estévez López, E. (coord.), Una extra-ordinaria singularidad. Itinerarios de espiritualidad laical en Pedro Poveda, Narcea, Madrid, 2019, 166 pp. / by Miguel Poyard, Ma. Dolores Publication: . 3 p. (753-755) , Recensión de libro. Availability: Items available: (1),

3. Stewart, I, El infinito. Una introducción, Sal Terrae - U.P. Comillas, Maliaño (Cantabria) - Madrid, 2020, 147 pp. / by Miguel Poyard, Ma. Dolores Publication: . 3 p. (755-757) , Recensión de libro. Availability: Items available: (1),

4. Guibert, J. M. Para comprender la pedagogía ignaciana, Mensajero, Bilbao 2020, 142 pp. / by Sanz Velázquez, Lázaro Publication: . 3 p. (758-760) , Recensión de libro. Availability: Items available: (1),

5. Seewald, M. El dogma en evolución. Cómo se desarrollan las doctrinas de fe, Sal Terrae, Santander 2020, 334 pp. / by Sanz Velázquez, Lázaro Publication: . 3 p. (760-762) , Recensión de libro. Availability: Items available: (1),

6. Kasper, W. y Augustin, G. (eds.), Dios en la pandemia. Prólogo del papa Francisco, Sal Terrae y Centro de Humanización de la Salud, Santander 2020, 151 pp. / by Sanz Velázquez, Lázaro Publication: . 3 p. (762-764) , Recensión de libro. Availability: Items available: (1),

7. Fernández-Martos, S.J., J. Mª, Mirar, Estremecerse, Asombrarse, Sal Terrae, Cantabria, 2020, 229 pp. / by Sánchez, Marta Publication: . 2 p. (764-765) , Recensión de libro. Availability: Items available: (1),

8. Grün, A., El asombro. Descubrir las maravillas en el día a día, Sal Terrae, Cantabria, 2020, 310 pp. / by Sánchez, Marta Publication: . 2 p. (766-767) , Recensión de libro. Availability: Items available: (1),

9. Our Bodies Tell God's Story / by Rosas-Jimenez, Carlos Alberto Publication: . 15 p. (243-257) Availability: Items available: (1),

10. Teología urbana. Prácticas de espiritualidad popular. / by Mauti, Ricardo Publication: . 7 p. (397-403) Availability: Items available: (1),

11. Apostle of the Lost Cause: L. William Jones, Baptists, and the Development of Confederate Memory. By Christopher C. Moore. Knoxville: The University of Tennesse Press, 2019, x+300pp., $50.00 / by Wills, Gregory A. Publication: . 4 p. (147-150) Availability: Items available: (1),

12. Christ Above All: The Book of Hebrews. By Adrio König. Belingham: Lexham Press, 2019, viii+100pp., $17.99 / by Urga, Abeneazer G. Publication: . 3 p. (152-154) Availability: Items available: (1),

13. Not Scattered or Confused: Rethinking the Urban World of the Hebrew Bible. By Mark McEntire. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox, 2019, 300pp., $30.00 / by Essary, G. Kyle Publication: . 3 p. (154-156) Availability: Items available: (1),

14. The Gospels as Stories: A Narrative Approach to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. By Jeannine K. Brown. Gran Rapids: Baker Academic, 2020, xiv+210pp., $21.99 / by Sanchez,Daniel R. Publication: . 7 p. (157-163) Availability: Items available: (1),

15. Pastors and Their Critics: A guide to Coping with Criticism in Ministry. By Joel R. Beeke and Nicholas J. Thompson. Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R Publishing, 2020, 177pp., $15.99 / by Biles, Deron Publication: . 4 p. (163-166) Availability: Items available: (1),

16. The Innovative Church: How Leaders and Their Congregations Can Adapt in an Ever-Changing World. by Scott Cormode. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2020, 304pp., $26.99 / by Parker, Shane W. Publication: . 4 p. (166-169) Availability: Items available: (1),

17. Pages from a Preacher's Notebook: Wisdom and Prayers from the Pen of John Stott. By John Stott. Lexham Press, 2020, 280pp., $24.99 / by Osborne, Chris Publication: . 3 p. (169-171) Availability: Items available: (1),

18. The Educational Ministry of a Church: A Comprehensive Model for Students and Ministers. Edited by Jonathan J. Kim and Charles A. Tidwell. Second Edition. Nashville: B&H Academic, 2020, 316pp., $34.99 / by Shirley, Chris Publication: . 4 p. (172-175) Availability: Items available: (1),

19. Resuscitating Evangelism. By Jordan Easley and Ernest Easley. Nashville: B&H Publishing, 2020, 183pp., $12.74 / by Brewer, Beau K. Publication: . 2 p. (175-176) Availability: Items available: (1),

20. Called to the Wild : by Trotter, Marie Publication: . 2 p. (43-44) Availability: Items available: (1),