Lange, John Peter

A commentary on the Holy Scriptures : critical, doctrinal and homeletical with special reference to ministers and students - New York : Ch. Scribner, [1950?] - 24 v. ; 26 cm.

Contenido: v.1. Genesis--v.2. Exodus--v. 3. Numbers--v.4. Joshua--v.5. Samuel--v.6. Kings--v.7. Chronicles--v.8. Job--v.9. Psalms--v.10 Proverbs--v.11. Isaiah--v.12. Jeremiah--v.13. Ezequiel.v.14. Minor prophets--v.15. Mattthew--v.16. Mark--v. 17. John--v.18. Acts--v.19. Romans--v.20. Corinthians--v.21. Galatians--v.22. Thessalonianss.--v.23. James--v. 24. Revelation

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