Meurer, Siegfried
The Apocrypha in Ecumenical Perspective : The place of the late writings of the Old Testament among the biblical writings and their significance in the eastern and western church traditions Siegfried Meurer - Estados Unidos United Bible Societies 1991 - 223 21x14 cm - UBS Monograph Series 6 .
Datos tomados de la cubierta
ISBN 0-8267-0456-5
220.072 M598a
The Apocrypha in Ecumenical Perspective : The place of the late writings of the Old Testament among the biblical writings and their significance in the eastern and western church traditions Siegfried Meurer - Estados Unidos United Bible Societies 1991 - 223 21x14 cm - UBS Monograph Series 6 .
Datos tomados de la cubierta
ISBN 0-8267-0456-5
220.072 M598a